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Make Or Break![]() Episode 01 Pac Star Banking Corporation funds the youth oriented scheme called Head Start. The scheme allows five project winners to live rent-free in a renovated foundry, as they pursue their dream. It's time for a new round of applicants and there's a long line of hopefuls. Kyle and Seth have developed an automatic gearing system for racing bikes. Confident that their invention is unique, they are shocked to discover that Terry, another applicant, has a similar invention. Kyle loses faith in his own project and become partners with Terry, leaving his best friend completely on the outer. Loc has developed a website which attempts to reunite refugees separated from their families. However, during his interview, his computer crashes. Convinced that he's out of the program unless he can get a more sophisticated machine, Loc enlists the aid of Tran, a local thug. To Loc's horror, Tran breaks into a computer shop right in front of him. The computer is there to be taken but Loc can't do it. The incident unfortunately leaves Loc both without a new computer and in Tran's debt. Basia is an aspiring documentary maker who plans to make a film about the life of aviatrix Amanda Villiers. Since stumbling upon the information that Amanda flew solo from Darwin to Bangkok in 1949, Amanda has remained an inspiration to Basia. However, Amanda has been a recluse for the last forty years and refuses to talk. Without her authorisation to make the film, Basia's chances of getting into Head Start are over. Clare and Patrick have driven all the way from Gunning with samples from their yabby breeding program. Their aim is to establish a viable aquaculture yabby farm from their own selected strain. Not only are they late arrivals but their car and presentation disappears prior to their interview. Struggling in a strange city causes Clare and Patrick to reconsider whether coming to Sydney was such a good idea. Katherine desperately wants the freedom to write and perform her own musical compositions. Her dominating mother, Moira, has other ideas and wants her to focus on classical piano recitals. Without Moira's knowledge, Katherine attends an interview for Head Start. If she's accepted into the scheme however, she'll have to face up to her mother—a task more daunting than the audition itself. Guest Starring: Melissa Jaffer as Amanda Villiers, Morna Seres as Moira Ingram, Lara Cox as Posy, Matthew Le Nevez as Terry Vaughan, Amie McKenna as Sacha, Mathew Wilkinson as Tran, Damen Stephenson as Constable Berne, Mario Gamma as Salesman. Dischord![]() Episode 02 It's the first meeting at the Foundry as Garrett drills the new team on the rules and regulations of life at Head Start. There aren't many rules and they're pretty basic. The winners pick out their individual rooms and set about beginning to get to know each other. After all, this is going to be home for the next year. There are, of course, a few teething problems. Loc wants to rectify the situation with the computer shop Tran broke into. He uses some of his grant money to buy the computer he wanted as well as anonymously repaying the shop for the cost of the smashed window. Tran however continues to hassle him for money. Loc can't pay and Tran raises the amount he owes. Loc continues to try and avoid Tran but is followed back to the Foundry. Tran and his thug threaten Loc to pay or else. As a warning, Tran smashes up Clare and Patrick's yabby tanks. Patrick arrives to see the two running away and believes Loc to be involved. Kyle is stunned to learn that Terry wants nothing more to do with him, and to make matters worse, Posy, who he considers to be his girlfriend and also missed out on a place in the scheme, doesn't want to see him again. Seth misses Kyle and struggles with having to fulfil the marketing aspect of the project. He confides in Basia who tapes the conversation. She contacts Kyle and in an attempt to get the boys back together, gives him with the tape to watch. Kyle manages to secure a letter of interest from John Allott, a powerful business entrepreneur, and gives it to Seth as a form of peace offering. Seth relents and asks Kyle to come back to Head Start. Seth also needs a little help to win the affections of a certain female musician. Guest Starring: Melissa Jaffer as Amanda Villiers, Morna Seres as Moira Ingram, Lara Cox as Posy, Matthew Le Nevez as Terry Vaughan, Amie McKenna as Sacha, Mathew Wilkinson as Tran, Steve Thug as Thug Changing Views![]() Episode 03 Loc apologises to Clare about the damage to the yabby tanks and tells her that he wasn't involved in the vandalism. He offers to help her out in any way he can. Over breakfast Patrick bugs everyone with his racist comments. Garrett pulls him aside with a warning that his behaviour is unacceptable. Loc makes a bit of extra cash by building a website for Sacha. He'll use this to help pay off his debt to Tran. After receiving a $200 payment, Loc makes his way to Marrickville to hand the cash over to Tran. Patrick witnesses Loc and Tran meeting in an alleyway. Patrick and Tran fight and Patrick ends up helpless on the ground in danger of being seriously hurt. Loc intervenes and risks his life to save Patrick. Seth confides in Kyle about missing Katherine. Kyle convinces him to go and see her at her house. Seth does, but Moira won't let him past the front door! He enlists Kyle's help in creating a distraction which allows him to speak to Katherine. She agrees to meet him in the park nearby but tells him she's not coming back. Seth asks her whether she's living her own dream or Moira's. Katherine admits it is more her mother's dream and tells Seth she'll think about his point. Having heard nothing from Katherine and knowing Garrett will shortly be replacing her, Seth goes to see her again. Feeling caught between Moira and Seth, Katherine runs to her room crying. Later she tells Moira that she's going back to Head Start. Moira unwillingly lets her go, with a warning that there will be no home to come back to if it all comes crashing down. Katherine is welcomed back by the group but tells Seth that a relationship, as well as all the other pressure, would be too much right now. Basia brings Amanda to the warehouse to do a bit of filming. Amanda immediately warms to Clare and Garrett and opens up to them about her past. When Basia asks her to repeat her stories for the camera Amanda freezes her out. At a loss as to how to connect with Amanda, Basia pays a visit to her house to try and find out what the problem is. They reach an agreement about how to work together. Guest Starring: Melissa Jaffer as Amanda Villiers, Morna Seres as Moira Ingram, Amie McKenna as Sacha, Mathew Wilkinson as Tran, Leanne Shedlezki as Customer Winner Takes All![]() Episode 04 Garrett stirs up Kyle and Seth about their project at the breakfast meeting, he hasn't seen much activity on it! Jump started, the boys head down to the velodrome for another series of bike trials. While there they encounter Terry, who has developed a conspiracy theory as to why the boys were selected for the program instead of him. There's some push and shove before Terry departs, warning that they haven't seen the last of him. Things turn sour later on when a lawyer representing Terry informs Garrett he is legally challenging the result of the Head Start competition. Terry claims that his project was sabotaged by Kyle who stole his ideas. Garrett isn't happy—he doesn't want the image of the company to be tarnished. He knew it was a mistake to let Kyle back in the competition. The boys find out what Terry wants. If he can't get a place in the program then he wants compensation, $5,000 worth! Seth scoffs, he hasn't got a case but Terry counters that there's clearly little doubt his project was superior to their one. Even Kyle admitted it, or why else would he have changed sides? Kyle has an idea and he exhorts Seth to trust him. They visit Terry with a proposition for him. If Terry really believes his design is better than theirs they'll race him for the $5,000. Terry says they're on but for $10,000 because he's due the $5,000 anyway. The boys win the race and tell Garrett that the problem's solved. When Garrett wants to know how, they assure him that they're done nothing illegal, but firmly emphasize that he really doesn't need to know. Katherine is back in the fold but is finding the living quarters a trial. There's no privacy—the guys wander around in their underpants! None of the other girls are very sympathetic and Katherine copes by showering after all the others have headed off for the day. All seems to be going well until, Clare obtains permission to temporarily move some of her yabbies into the bathroom. Katherine disrobes and comes face to face with the beady eyes of a yabbie and screams, the boys race to her rescue and catch her naked! With: Matthew Le Nevez as Terry Vaughan Making Music![]() Episode 05 Seth wants to try again with Katherine and asks Kyle for advice. Kyle reckons it's easy. Show interest in her project and make yourself indispensable to her! After seeing posters in the street Seth has an idea for Katherine to hold a recital to showcase her music. Katherine reluctantly agrees. Garrett gives permission for it to be held at the warehouse. Seth designs a poster and does the marketing. To his dismay on the eve of the concert he discovers his posters have all been pasted over. Only three outsiders turn up, including Moira and a music critic she has brought with her. Their presence and Moira's attitude angers Katherine. In a desperate attempt to swell the audience size Seth pulls a few peoplev in off the street. Katherine plays well and is pleased with the response until a member of the audience lets out that they've been paid to turn up. Horrified, Katherine runs from the room in tears. Despite Moira and Seth's attempts to console her she remains locked in her room. The next morning despite being congratulated by Basia and Kyle she refuses to talk about the concert. To add insult to injury a review in the paper describes her playing as majestic but her composition as immature. The only positive aspect to come out of the whole event is Moira turning up and telling Katherine she loved her work and is really proud of her. The two make up as a disconsolate Seth watches on. Clare and Patrick move the yabbies into new tanks. A problem with the reticulation system means the yabbies are dying and they need to find a solution fast. Patrick gives up, he's not technically minded. Garrett urges them to call in an expert who will charge plenty and they've already forked out $1000 for the new tanks. Loc sees that Clare is in trouble and offers to help. He suggests using research on the net and a process of elimination to find the problem. Clare and Loc work well together. They inform Patrick that the problem lay in him not following the instruction manual. Kyle spends his early morning scoping out the babe factor in the city. A particular woman, Amy catches his attention. He thinks he's in with a chance and brags to Basia and Patrick about her. Taking Kyle up on his big-noting both Patrick and Basia accompany him to see for themselves. Kyle's plans backfire as Amy is more keen on Basia than him! With: Morna Seres as Moira Ingram He Ain't Heavy![]() Episode 06 The Head Starters receive a stern warning from Garrett to get along or their projects will be jeopardised. Garrett enlists the help of an old Uni mate Dom who runs group "Netbonding"Net sessions on board his yacht—a replica of Captain Cook's Endeavour. One look at Dom and Basia's keen to follow him anywhere! They soon learn they're all required to spend a few days on the yacht. Dom proceeds to give them all a tough time apart from Basia, who, much to Kyle's chagrin, flirts with Dom mercilessly. By the end of day one tensions are high and the exercise isn't helping. Upon arriving for their second day, the group discover that Basia has stayed the night on the yacht with Dom. Kyle is furious with her. Dom's behavior toward Basia changes and he treats her worse than the others. Basia is humiliated. The boys band together to teach Dom a lesson and orchestrate a plan to knock him overboard. Harmony is again restored, much to Garrett's relief. In addition he receives a fax from Dom commending their unorthodox yet successful performance. Clare and Loc continue their relationship in private. Loc pushes for it to go public but Clare remains cautious of the effect it may have on Patrick. They quarrel but after the antics of their day on the water Clare surprises Loc with a big pash in front of everyone! Kyle and Seth struggle with a technical problem in the gearing system. Kyle tells Seth to fix it in a hurry and the two end up in an argument. Using the winch system on the yacht triggers Kyle to think that they've been making the design too complicated. Seth figures it out and they remodel the design and patch up their friendship. With: Jon Bennett as Dom Business or Pleasure![]() Episode 07 Kyle and Seth try to re-establish contact with successful entrepreneur, Allott, who had previously shown interest in their project. When Kyle finds Allott elusive, he goes to his house and meets Allot's younger and very attractive wife Felice. She appears very interested in the project and promises to get her husband to call. Kyle and Seth finally meet with Allott over dinner at his place with Felice as the hostess. Allott informs the boys that he'll need more time to consider their proposals. At the end of the evening, Kyle is surprised to find out that Allott's wife is more interested in him than the deal. He is left with the dilemma of what to do about Felice's amorous advances and the effect it might have on his business connections with her husband. Basia is struggling with Amanda to lock down a serious interview. She enlists the unlikely help of Patrick and between the two of them they convince Amanda to take a day out in Patrick's ute. Basia hopes to inspire Amanda to reminisce about her early flying days by taking her to an airport. Basia does some investigating and finds out Amanda can have her flying licence reactivated if she can pass a few skills and health tests. After Amanda sees some vintage aircrafts she's enthusiastic once more. Amanda passes the tests and is ready to fly one last time. With: Melissa Jaffer as Amanda Villiers, Alexandra Fowler as Felice Allott Crash and Burn![]() Episode 08 Kyle becomes a willing participant in the relationship with John Allott's young wife Felice. She convinces Allott to give the boys a chance and then threatens to manipulate him and have Allott pull out if Kyle doesn't keep up the affair. Allott turns up at the warehouse for a look around and hands the boys a deal. Garrett approves it and the boys are ecstatic. The group celebrates that evening during which Kyle sneaks out to visit Felice. Their visit is interrupted by Allott's arrival home. Kyle sneaks out through the back garden but unbeknown to him, Allott sees him retreating. Seth becomes more and more anxious about the delay in signing the deal and chastises Kyle who lies about his whereabouts. Kyle receives a call from Allott asking for them to meet in private. Kyle agrees. After attempting to get Kyle to dump Seth, Allott reveals his knowledge of the affair. He warns Kyle to stay away from his wife and rips up the deal memo. Kyle must now face Seth with the news that he's destroyed their first chance at success. Amanda receives her validated pilot's licence and books in for a refresher flight in a Tiger Moth. She is enthusiastic about getting into the air again and looks forward to showing Basia the joys of flight. Basia is somewhat reluctant and talks of hiring another video camera crew to film the event. Amanda eventually twigs that Basia has a fear of flying. Under Amanda's coaxing, Basia takes her first foray into the skies in a Tiger Moth and finds it a thrilling experience. Just as things settle down for Loc and Clare, Patrick steps in and delivers an ultimatum. Break up with Clare or he'll tell Garrett everything about Loc's connection with Tran. Finally he tells Clare that he thinks they should break up. Clare is confused and upset that he's broken up with her for no apparent reason. Patrick comforts his broken hearted sister. A devastated Loc has sacrificed his relationship for his project. With: Alexandra Fowler as Felice Allott Uppers and Downers![]() Episode 09 It is Basia's twentieth birthday and the gang decide to hold a party at the Foundry. Basia arranges a DJ, Loc rigs some speakers and lights, Seth gets munchies from Volt and Basia sets up a camera to project party images onto a screen. The stage is set for the perfect rave! There's excitement in the air as the gang scrub up for the big bash. Basia decides tonight's the night with Kyle, Clare decides to win back Loc, and Seth has his sights firmly set on Katherine. Kyle however is excited for another reason. After accidentally bumping into Posy, he's heading out on a date with her with the intention of joining the party later. Katherine offers look after the music but Basia points out that her music taste is stuck in the 80's. As the night progresses with encouragement from Seth, Katherine moves from hating the beat to slowly warming to its rhythms and complexity. DJ Fin even takes time out to explain to her how he mixes tracks and through this composes new pieces. Katherine finds her opinion of electronic music rapidly changing. Basia spends most of her time wondering where Kyle is. He turns up late in the evening and she tries to make up for lost time by kissing him. At that moment Posy turns up. Kyle leaves a humiliated Basia stranded and warmly embraces Posy. It's at this point that Patrick freaks out having seen Clare and Loc kissing and Kyle is needed to help restrain him. When Kyle enters his room to go to bed after the party he finds Posy waiting for him. Patrick remains critical of every element of the party—the music hurts his ears and the lights are giving him a headache. He accuses a group of people invited by Sacha of taking drugs and starts an argument. One of the guys, Marto, spikes Patrick's drink with amphetamines. As the drugs kick in, Patrick sees Clare and Loc kissing on the dance floor and flies into a drug induced paranoia. He punches Loc and shortly after needs to be taken to hospital, bringing the party to an abrupt halt. The next morning Basia catches Kyle and Posy kissing. Maybe staying a teenager wasn't so bad after all. With: Lara Cox as Posy, Amie McKenna as Sacha The Ties that BindEpisode 10 After a request from Garrett to help raise some money for the Asthma Foundation Kyle comes up with a plan for a 24 hour bike-a-thon. They'll be sponsored per lap completed and also hope to gain some publicity for their project. After hassling everyone at the warehouse for sponsorship they target local businesses. Basia remains critical of Kyle's true intentions believing it's a cheap publicity stunt and that he has no real altruism. The fact that Kyle is still seeing Posy (Lara Cox) does nothing to reduce Basia's anger towards him. They argue and he tells her to get over him, as he's in a relationship now. The boys manage to complete the full 24-hour ride and Kyle secures an interview with a local reporter and they raise $2000. Kyle is ecstatic and rushes to share the good news with Posy. When he gets to the salon he finds a note from her. She's sorry but she's gone to Melbourne to pursue her make-up business. Kyle has not only lost out with Posy, but now Basia as well. To make up to Clare for the way he's treated Loc, Patrick apologises to Loc. In addition he has a surprise for Clare, he's building a dam for her. However plans go awry as there's a problem with the local council who are in a dispute over the land. Patrick's had enough. His surprise has failed. He decides to head back to the farm and work on the dams there. Clare can stay at the Foundry and run the business. At last Clare and Loc have the chance to pursue their relationship without interruption from Patrick. Katherine announces she wants to change her focus and move from classical composition to mixing techno/dance tracks. Garrett is less than enthusiastic and turns down her request for new equipment on what he considers a whim. Katherine runs in to Skye again who convinces her to stand up to Garrett if this is truly what she wants to do. Katherine surprises both herself and Garrett by convincing him to say yes to her request. She's filled with praise for Skye who she invites to come stay at the warehouse. Skye agrees and surprises everyone when introduced to Garrett—it turns out he's her father! |
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