Under The Vines: episode guide

1.01 | 1.02 | 1.03 | 1.04 | 1.05 | 1.06 || Series 2 | Series 3

Episode 5

Acorn TV: Monday, December 27, 2021
NZ: Wed, February 16, 2022 (TV1)
Written by Kathryn Burnett
Directed by Erin White

Both Gus and Tippy struggle with dilemmas while Daisy’s plan to wow the Showcase attendees with a new and improved Oakley seems to fall apart at every step, and Marissa keeps a close watch on it all. Louis receives a distressing phone call about Julian.

Gus and Tippy are lost in their own dilemmas while Daisy, still hurting over her fight with Griffin, struggles to get everyone on track to complete the showcase preparations in time. Louis receives a distressing phone call, but Rowan arrives to deliver a surprise that brings both shock and relief. Daisy and Tippy bond over Stanley's memory.


  • Rebecca Gibney as Daisy
  • Charles Edwards as Louis
  • Trae Te Wiki as Tippy
  • Simon Mead as Gus
  • Dean O'Gorman as Griffin
  • Cohen Holloway as Vic
  • Carrie Green as Nic
  • Sara Wiseman as Simone
  • John Bach as Don
  • Sarah Peirse as Marissa
  • Matt Whelan as Ben
  • Lotima Pome'e as Rowan
  • Sam Gardner as Julian
  • Emily Burns as Aussie Girl ["Charlotte McGregor"]