Under The Vines: episode guide

1.01 | 1.02 | 1.03 | 1.04 | 1.05 | 1.06 || Series 2 | Series 3

Episode 4

Acorn TV: Monday, December 20, 2021
NZ: Wed, February 09, 2022 (TV1)
Written by J.C. Stewart-Te Whiu
Directed by Erin White

Daisy is ecstatic over Griffin’s visit, while everyone is fed up with Louis’ self-pity following his marriage break up. Nic asks Daisy and the Oakley gang for support.

As preparations for the showcase continue, Tippy, Gus, and Daisy all attempt to put Louis back on track following the breakup of his marriage. Nic and Vic look to a spiritual ritual to help with their dreams of a child, but Daisy's forgetfulness may derail the whole thing. Daisy is overjoyed when Griffin visits, but when he begins an unexpected romance, regretful words are said.


  • Rebecca Gibney as Daisy
  • Charles Edwards as Louis
  • Trae Te Wiki as Tippy
  • Simon Mead as Gus
  • Dean O'Gorman as Griffin
  • Cohen Holloway as Vic
  • Carrie Green as Nic
  • Catherine Wilkin as Hilary
  • Matt Whelan as Ben
  • Lotima Pome'e as Rowan
  • Tony Glynn as Local Farmer
  • Jodie Dorday as Elise