Wolf Creek: episode guide

1.01 | 1.02 | 1.03 | 1.04 | 1.05 | 1.06 || Series 2


Episode 1.02
Thu, May 12, 2016
Written by Felicity Packard
Directed by Tony Tilse

A possible link to the killer's blue truck makes a tiny speck in the middle of Western Australia called Kutyukutyu the first stop on Eve's quest. But any clue that once lay here is now long gone, and the locals have nothing to offer. To make matters worse, a careless collision with a police car lands Eve in a jail cell, facing off with a drunk and a scary small-time crim named Kane.

Sullivan is not far behind her, determined to get her on a plane and out of harm's way, and relieved that she has been caught. Seeing her quest about to come to an abrupt end, Eve has no other option — she escapes from her cell, and tails the crook back to his house. Not one to miss an opportunity, she steals a bag of drug money and a prized revolver from the house, and manages to narrowly slip through Kane's clutches.

Being robbed by a spunky girl leaves him intrigued, but his brother Ginger swears she won't get away with it.

Their search for Eve reaches all the way to a lonely pub on the Northern Territory border — Mick Taylor's local watering hole. He can't believe his ears when they tell him they're looking for a blonde American girl who's searching for a man in a blue truck. Could it be the girl he shot? Still alive?

Cast (in order of appearance):

  • John Jarratt as Mick Taylor
  • Lucy Fry as Eve
  • Matt Levett as Kevin
  • Jack Sumner as Station Hand
  • Georgie Brinkworth as Cashier
  • Rachel House as Ruth
  • Dustin Clare as Sullivan Hill
  • Alicia Gardiner as Janine
  • Patrick Frost as Raymond
  • Richard Cawthorne as Kane
  • Dean Mattner as Kutyukutyu Cop
  • Jessica Tovey as Kirsty
  • Eddie Baroo as Ginger
  • Andy McPhee as Beard
  • Kim Liotta as Rhiannon
  • Lyelle Woodbury as Rural Yard Man
  • Nicole Moerland as Helma
  • Fiona Cornelisse as Margurite
  • Jonathan Bennett as Nate
  • Peter Rossi as Siimon
  • David Stadart as Outback Barman
  • Robert Sherriff as Outback Pub - Local #1
  • Timothy Peter Pritchard as Outback Pub - Local #2
  • Sam as Yellow Dog
  • Stunt Actors: Inge Sildnik, Robbie Clissold