Short Wave: episode guide


Walter is unfulfilled. He is unemployed and his wife has left him. His search for some purpose and meaning takes him to a male bonding weekend.

Gettin' On

Nick Hailstone is at a time of crisis. He has reached a point where he can no longer ignore his heroin addiction and what it is doing to his life. But before Nick can get clean, he's got to get a little dirtier.

Abide In Me

Written and directed by Simon Bare

Pat, an old man living on his own in the semi-rural outer reaches of a city, is found by a concerned neighbour unconscious on his front lawn. Since the death of his wife a year ago, Pat has not attended to a single domestic duty. His son Jamie's concern grows after discovering his father is continuing the relationship with his mother, as though she were still alive. Jamie's return to his parent's home becomes a time for unexpected lessons and a new family dynamic to be learned.

With: Denzil Howson as Pat, Mary Ward as Lizzie, Grant Piro as Jamie

My Second Car

The story of a father and a son both of whom have experienced bad father and son relationships and find they can fulfil each other's needs, even though they are not related.

Call Me Sal

Directed by Arianna Bosi

A woman's discovery of her own life.

With: Geoffrey Rush as Wal

It Never Rains

Directed by Brad McGann

A story of urban isolation.

Mrs Craddock's Complaint

Written and directed by Tony Ayres

Early one morning, Mrs Craddock creeps into the toilet block she has been curiously watching over a number of days. She reads graffiti on the toilet wall. It suddenly becomes very clear to her why this block has so many visitors and Mrs Craddock makes a complaint.

With: Monica Maughan, Terry Norris, Travis McMahon, Matthew Quartermain


A story of a feisty five-year-old girl and a young mother who loses what she's after only to find more in what she already has.