Produced by CBS Studios with The Alliance (KOJO Studios x Stampede Ventures) for ABC

Creator: Jack Yabsley
Executive Producer: Linda Ujuk, JP Sarni, Greg Silverman, Dale Roberts
Producer: Muffy Potter
Co-Producer: Kate Butler
Writers: Jack Yabsley, Erica Harrison, Shontell Ketchell, Alex Lee, Sara Khan, Wendy Mocke
Directors: Helena Brooks, ...

Airing: July 05, 2023... (ABC)

Set in the 1850s, as thousands of men flock to the goldfields to hit the jackpot, follow the adventures of sisters Gert and Marigold and their ambition to strike it rich by landing themselves newly-rich idiots. (8x30min)
Claire LoveringGertrude Brewer
Danielle WalkerMarigold Brewer
Megan WildingFran
Luke MullinsPercy
Wil KingJerome
Eddie PerfectBarry
Brandon McClellandLeonard
Perry MooneyVic
Kartanya MaynardMolly
Aaron McGrathAlbert
Susan-Ann WalkerMarlene
JJ FongZhi Ling
George ZhaoBen
Semisi CheekamKelvin
Michala BanasTippy
Huw HigginsonFergus
Manali DatarMona
Marianne McLoughlinSiobhan
Lincoln YounesJJ McCreedy
cast photo

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