Doctor Doctor: episode guide

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Say Sayonara

Episode 1.09
November 09, 2016
707,000 viewers (10th)
Written by Tamara Asmar
Directed by Jeremy Sims

After the accident, Hugh is left without any feeling in his hand, and his future as a surgeon is suddenly in jeopardy. He's also left to deal with his badly-timed revelation to Ajax — that he's his father. Ajax hasn't taken the news well, fleeing the family homestead and setting up camp at the old family cottage. Meryl is particularly on edge, as she's desperate for all the family to pull together for her political debate today. They manage to get Ajax there in time — but Meryl gets caught out when Rod Eagle challenges her about him, and whether he left high school illegally.

Meanwhile, Joey has been sent home early from the cancer trial. Hugh is soon discovers the truth — Joey's cancer has metastasised to his brain, and there's nothing further they can do to treat him. Joey's made up his mind, he wants to go out on his own terms, and they hold a wake so that he can be surrounded by his friends one last time. Hugh finally accepts that he is unable to save him, and gives his friend the death that he deserves.


  • Lucy Durack as Tugger
  • Dave Eastgate as Joey
  • Kimie Tsukakoshi as Shelley
  • Tyler De Nawi as Ben
  • Ally Henville as Hannah [v/o]
  • John Batchelor as Nathan
  • Patrick Wilson as Rod Eagle
  • Michael Beckley as Mediator
  • Misha Harding as Meryl Supporter
  • Wadih Dona as Dr Ogilvy
  • Amy Kersey as Jane